Team Alala has set their 2023 intentions. Have you?
If not, we hope that sharing our intentions will inspire you in the new year. Continue reading to learn more about how our team is going to work to follow through on their intentions.
"Move My Body More"
- Denise Lee
We all have those work days where you get up only once or twice, but moving our body is imperative to both our physical and mental health. Regular physical activity can help to strengthen muscles, reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve your cardiovascular health. It can also help your joints from feeling "stuck" - sitting in the same position for 8 hours a day can cause tight hip muscles and low back pain. Movement can help un-stick these body parts. Movement has also shown to improve mental health. Exercise releases endorphins which can help to relieve stress, increase energy levels, and take a break from our daily responsibilities. Feeling tired after work? Go for that walk, you'll thank yourself later.
Incorporating physical movement into your routine may seem daunting, but it can be super easy. Start with activities you enjoy - if you don't enjoy it, it won't become part of your daily routine. The activity should also be convenient, like joining a gym that's close to your home or taking an online pilates class during your lunch break. Once you've decided what you like, you can begin to set goals, whether short or long-term. Goal setting is a great way to ensure you continue to move your body for a certain period of time. If you get bored of an activity, mix it up! Create a schedule of different activities ie: Monday - Pilates, Tuesday - Run, etc. Another way to hold yourself accountable is to work out with a friend or family member. Having a partner along for the journey will help you to stay motivated!
Keeping Your Intentions:
- Take a 20 minute walk each day.
- Book a workout class in advance to create a weekly movement schedule.
- Make a plan to work out with a friend to catch up while getting your movement in.
Not sure what to wear? Follow our inspiration.

"I'm my best when I'm active, but it's the one thing I tend to lose when my day gets crazy. This year I'm reaffirming my commitment to myself and getting back to Pilates and walking!"
Surf Bra in Wine
Surf Tight in Wine
"Reset & Recharge"
- Avery
Ensuring you get enough rest is vital to your physical health. It can actually improve it as well. Getting enough sleep can reduce your risk of developing health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Rest has a tremendous impact on your mental health as well. If well-rested, your overall quality of life will greatly benefit - you'll reduce your stress levels and improve your daily mood. If you feel as though your productivity has declined, it may be because you're getting insufficient rest. When well-rested, you're likely to be more alert, focused, and produce higher quality work.
In order to ensure you are well rested, make sure to schedule time in your daily routine to do whatever you find relaxing - take a nap, read a book, catch up on your favorite series. If these don't work for you, you can try methods such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Whatever technique you choose, setting aside this time for yourself ensures you're getting the rest you need. Creating a relaxing environment with soothing music and candles can also aid in your relaxation. Light a candle and have a mug of tea before bed so you can achieve 7-9 hours each night. Although it may not seem obvious, disconnecting from technology before bedtime has been proven to lead to higher quality sleep. Turn off your phone or laptop at least an hour before bedtime and pick up that book you've been meaning to finish.
Keeping Your Intentions:
- Set an hour each day to have time for yourself.
- Make no plans on a Saturday or Sunday to enjoy what you want to do.
- Keep a stack of unread books at home so you never run out.
Not sure what to wear? Follow our inspiration.

"I sign myself up for too much and it means I am constantly stressed. This year I will do the work to pull back and emotionally be ok doing fewer things, better & giving myself time to recharge."
Washable Cashmere Tee in Bone
Washable Cashmere Bra in Bone
Off Duty Sweatpant in Bone
"Travel More"
- Jayden
Immersing yourself in new cultures and environments is an important aspect of life. It allows you to gain new perspectives, broaden your horizons, and learn about the world, which in turn can help you learn more about yourself. Interacting with locals and other travelers allows you to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world's diversity. In addition to personal growth, traveling offers a break from your daily routine. You can take time to relax, de-stress, and recharge.
The first step in achieving your travel goals is determining your destination. You may consult your bucket list to narrow down your choices, then consider flight schedules and costs to continue to solidify your plans. Once you have picked your destination, the fun stuff begins - book your hotel, sightseeing tours, dinner reservations, and even get some shopping in. When it gets closer to your trip, start packing! Try to avoid overpacking by only packing essential, versatile pieces, and save space for anything you may purchase on your trip.
Keeping Your Intentions:
- Plan trips in advance.
- Plan to travel with friends to share your experiences together.
- Purchase the proper luggage so you're ready to go.
Not sure what to wear? Follow our inspiration.
"There's so much of the world to explore, but the last few years have made traveling difficult. I love to experience new places and cultures and am excited to continue crossing destinations off my bucket list"
Plie Dress
"Try New Things (Deepen Yoga Practice)"
- Su
It's important to never stop trying new things. Experiencing new experiences is like a continuing education class - it will help you to grow and learn, no matter how old you are. Trying new things can also expose you to new ideas, practices, and places, which you can take into your daily life. It is also a great excuse to break up your daily routine. Deepening your yoga practice in particular is a great way to become more in tune with yourself and your body and can teach breathing and meditation techniques that would benefit your daily routine. Incorporating what you've learned on say, a yoga retreat, would greatly reduce your daily stress, allowing you to work more efficiently and produce higher quality work.
Trying something new doesn't have to be as big as planning a yoga retreat, it can be as simple as trying a new food. Making small steps in trying new things will help you ease into this intention with confidence. If you need some support for motivation, the help of family, friends, a partner, or coworker is greatly beneficial - they will hold you accountable on your path to trying new things. Start by making a list of new things you'd like to try in order of small to large and begin checking them off your list!
Keeping Your Intentions:
- Start small - try a new food or a new activity to ease yourself into this intention.
- Book your desired new activities in advance to hold yourself accountable.
Not sure what to wear? Follow our inspiration.
"I want to go deeper into practicing yoga and focus more on breath work. I want to try weekend yoga retreats in order to deepen my practice."
Slash Seamless Long Sleeve in Pink Punch
Barre Seamless Tight in Black
"Curate A Versatile Wardrobe"
- Molly
A few shopping sprees can quickly lead to wardrobe clutter and a hefty credit card bill. By creating a versatile wardrobe, you can increase your outfit options. Mixing and matching a variety of different pieces allows you to create new looks. Investing in fewer, higher quality pieces can save you money in the long run. This method doesn't allow for mindless spending and purchasing of clothes you think you'll wear once. Each purchase should be well thought out and should work with what exists in your closet already. This will also allow you to get dressed quicker, giving you an extra 30 minutes to make a hearty breakfast.
To begin curating your versatile wardrobe, all it takes are 1-2 pieces from any category (tops, sweatshirts, trousers, etc). Choosing styles in neutral colors is a good way to create the foundation of your wardrobe. The styles should range from casual to dressy, so that you can mix and match for any occasion on your social calendar. Keep in mind that you can layer to create new looks, so consider pieces of different weights to mix and match.
Keeping Your Intentions:
- Plan to clean out your closet twice a year to remove clutter. If you haven't thought about it in 6 months, it's time for donation or consignment.
- Shop online to curate your collection virtually and see everything laid out before purchasing.
Not sure what to wear? Follow our inspiration.
"In 2023, I'm working to curate a more versatile wardrobe. I'm going to buy more of those tried and true pieces that can be styled 100 different ways to make my closet more functional while still stylish."
Washable Cashmere Turtleneck in Black
Goddess Cashmere Tight in Black
"Be Gentle On Myself & Journal More Often"
- Jewel
Being gentle on yourself is an important trait, as it can lead to a life of less stress and more happiness (which in turn improves your well-being). Being hard on yourself can often lead you to internally speak negatively, causing low self-esteem. If you switch to being gentle on yourself, you will likely have a more positive outlook on your worth. Confidence can also be built by being gentle on yourself, as you're able to feel proud of your abilities. Once your confidence has improved, you can create supportive and healthy relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and partners.
It's important to consciously practice being gentle on yourself. You should treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just like how you would treat another person. If you're a perfectionist, don't put too much on your plate. This can lead to stress as you won't have much time to spend on each task, leading to potential errors. Sometimes being hard on yourself Another way to practice this is to journal more often. This gives you time to engage in self-reflection and wind down from your day without your phone, laptop, or tv.
Keeping Your Intentions:
- Schedule 30-45 minutes each day to journal.
- Create a daily schedule to ensure you don't overbook yourself.
- Spend the hour before bedtime without electronics
Not sure what to wear? Follow our inspiration.
"Taking time each day to destress through exercise or journaling will help me to have a more positive mindset, focus, and not be so hard on myself."
Blocked Crewneck in Ruby
Off Duty Sweatpant in Ruby